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Are the flags red or green? – Sankofa

01 May 2021
How healthy is your relationship? Take our relationship behaviour poll to find out. Good luck!
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This also serves as a checklist to help you identify the red or green flags you may encounter in a relationship. If you are dating someone you really like and find that they don’t have all the green flag traits, don’t be overly concerned. In that case, this may be a guide on how to improve your relationship.

On the other hand, if you find that your current partner has more than half red flags qualities, you may want to re-evaluate whether the relationship is truly healthy for you. Shoutout to Michael Katahena and the Sankofa Fixers for emphasizing that in every episode.

Note that the signs you see in your partner aren’t always red flags. For example, if you don’t like the manner in which they chew their food in public, is this a reason to break up with them? Of course not, but you should not be blind to an abusive partner.

Now, join in the fun and take this poll to find out your odds.

Which of these traits would you classify as a GREEN FLAG or RED FLAG

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Sankofa poll 1

Constantly speaking about an ex and past relationships

Red flag82%
Green flag18%
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Sankofa poll 2

Asking to check your phone every time you’re together

Red flag92%
Green flag8%
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Sankofa poll 3

Having loads of friends of the opposite sex

Red flag58%
Green flag42%
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Sankofa poll 4

Calling to check up on you constantly

Red flag42%
Green flag58%
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Sankofa poll 5

Surprising you with things you may or may not fancy

Red flag14%
Green flag86%
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Sankofa poll 6

You feel respected

Red flag11%
Green flag89%
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Sankofa poll 7

You find yourself always making sacrifices and compromises

Red flag78%
Green flag22%
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Sankofa poll 8

You’re scared to express yourself when they hurt you

Red flag70%
Green flag30%
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Sankofa Poll 9

They make it seem like you’re stressing them when you talk about your feelings

Red flag60%
Green flag40%
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Sankofa Poll 10

On and off communication from your partner

Red flag71%
Green flag29%

Do you fall under the category of people who believe in yellow flags? In our opinion, that’s just a reason to constantly allow one’s excesses. It’s either red or green flags dear, this is no traffic light! When you’re considering a committed relationship with someone special, take time to figure out exactly what you’re getting into.

Sankofa shows different love stories that highlight relationship tips every Saturday at 8:00pm on #AkwaabaMagic DStv CH 150. Don’t miss it!